End Of Year Concerts – Back to the 90s

Showtime HMS' end of year concerts, Back to the 90's, were a huge success!

We are so proud of all of our students and teachers for the hard work and dedication that goes in to these concert. Everyone performed so well!

Our junior concert was held on Sunday 10th December at Lumen Christi College for students ages 3yrs - 8yrs. We also had a special appearance from our hip hop and jazz troupe as well as a few of our competition soloists performing. We are so proud that all of our students went on stage, no tears this time, and some for their very first time!

The senior concert was then held the following Friday 15th December at John Curtin College for students aged 9yrs & up. Again a beautiful performance from everyone, it's really great seeing the students shine on stage and having a great time! Parents were bopping away in the audience to all the fun tracks from the 90's and our Finale was a huge hit.

Congratulations to our students who received awards at our concert:
Junior Spirit Award - Tiana
Junior Encouragement Award - Skye
Junior Most Improved - Molly
Junior Shining Star - Elliana
Junior Performance Award - Zoey
Senior Spirit Award - Chelsea
Senior Encouragement Award - Lilly
Senior Most Improved - Charlee
Senior Shining Star - Tylah
Senior Performance Award - Gemma
Student Of The Year - Sophie

Backstage photo's are available on our Facebook Page and professional stage photo's can be viewed and ordered via the below links:
Junior professional photos
Senior professional photos
*Send us an email if you've lost the password.

Forgot to order a DVD? Send us an email to order! showtimehms@hotmail.com


Junior awards


Excelsior School Fair

On Sunday 2nd of April a selection of our elite students attended the Excelsior Primary School Fair to perform for the public. We had a mix of routines including our elite hip hop troupe, elite jazz troupe, intermediate ballet class, intermediate hip hop class, intermediate jazz class, senior jazz class, toddler jazz class and a solo lyrical dance performed by our Student Of The Year, Gemma.

The students had worked hard prior to the fete practising their dances at the studio and making changes to accommodate the performance space. We are very proud of everyone who participated and thank them for representing Showtime HMS Performing Arts so well.

Our next performance will be held at John Wollaston College on Saturday 6th May at 1:00pm.

To view more photo's taken at the Excelsior Fair please visit our Facebook album.

Photos from fete

John Wollaston School Fair

John Wollastan Anglican Community School in Kelmscott held their annual fair on Saturday 6th April and Showtime HMS Performing Arts was the only dance school invited to perform. Our students aged from 4yrs to 15yrs performed a mix of routines in Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballet and Contemporary dance.

The students put on an outstanding show for their audience and we had great reports from the audience on their performance skills and professionalism during the event.

Thank you to John Wollaston for having us! Photo's from the day can be viewed on our Facebook album.


Dancing at John Wollaston

Mid Year Concert Performance

Our mid year concert was held on Saturday 4th July at the John Curtin College Of The Arts. This was the first concert for a lot of our students and who would have guessed? They all performed so well and you could see the enjoyment on their faces!
We would like to congratulate all those students who recieved the achievement awards for their class - Keep up the good work!!
If you forgot to order a DVD we can still take orders at the studio and dont forget to check out the photos taken from the day at www.photo.david-mueller.com

Photos from concert

St Emilies Fete Performance

On Sunday 20th March we had 35 students perform a mix of routines from 2015 at the St Emilies Primary School Fete in Canning Vale with great success. We were very excited to be a part of the first ever fete held by St Emilies and hope to be invited back again next year. Congratulations to all of the performers on your hard work.

Students will also be performing at the upcoming Hills Heartbeat Festival at Southern Hills Christian College on Saturday 2nd April from 3pm. We would love to see students and parents there supporting our performing troupes.

Photo From St Emilies