RAC Christmas Pageant

On Saturday 3rd December we had 36 students and 2 parents perform in the Perth RAC Christmas Pageant. After missing out last year when the pageant was cancelled due to poor weather our students were extremely excited for this years event. Throughout the week students had been coming to rehearsals to practise their performance and get used to dancing whilst always travelling forward. This year Showtime HMS were lucky enough to also have students on the Peter Pan Pirate Ship float and be involved with a photo shoot and interview for The West Australian newspaper.

It was a long cold wait on the street before the pageant however once it begins it is all worth it as the students had so much fun! It was great to see so many of our Showtime family in the audience cheering us on, we thank you for coming along especially since the weather didn't start off so great.

We are so proud of our Showtime students who participated. We watched the televised pageant the next day and everyone looked amazing in their sailor and pirate costumes. The students danced beautifully and had the biggest smiles the whole time. We had a great shot on TV this year and were so happy to be involved once again. We can't wait until next year!

If you missed it you can see a clip of Showtime dancing below.

Photos from Pageant

Armadale Christmas Parade 2016

Friday 2nd December was once again the Armadale Christmas Parade for the Carols By Candlelight. Showtime students performed a re-mix of "All I Want For Christmas" for the Armadale public down Jull Street and towards Minnawarra Park. The students looked lovely in their Christmas themed costumes and with our new pageant signs being held by two of our younger performers. Congratulations to those who participated for another seamless performance.

Photos from Armadale Pageant