For the past two years our students here at Showtime have been given the opportunity to participate in jazz and ballet exam classes. Each year in October the exam class students undertake a practical exam at the Showtime studio in front of an external examiner.
Due to the unexpected closure of our studio in March and the continued disruptions throughout the year, we made the decision to replace the full examination with a performance exam. The performance exam consisted of each exam class demonstrating the skills and technique they learnt throughout the year in a dance presented to the examiner. This gave the students the opportunity to express their development and showcase that they are on the way to completing the full exam in 2021.
Our older students in the Jazz grade 5 class were the exception and managed to complete the full exam in an incredibly unpredictable year and received amazing results. All of our students passed and we congratulate many who did their first ever exam!
If you are interested in your child participating in exam classes read more here.