Star Search Competitions 2019

In the July holidays some of our Showtime Students participated in the Star Search dance competitions which ran from Saturday 6th to Friday 12th of July. Our students performed at Kennedy Baptist College Cockburn. We are pleased to have seen our students up on stage smiling and having fun. Congratulations to all performers.

1st place – 17/U Neo Classical Duo (Gemma & Tylah)
1st place – 17/U Lyrical Duo (Gemma & Tylah)
2nd place – 9/U Hip Hop Solo (Isaiah)
3rd place – 11/U Tap Solo (Izzabella)
3rd place – 11/U Hip Hop Duo (Molly & Ashleigh)
HM – 11/U Acro Duo (Olivia & Talisha)

Mid-Year Concert – Ready, Jet, Go!

Saturday 6th July 2019 was one of our biggest concert days yet.

Ready, Jet, Go was a performance that took our students on the adventure of a lifetime. Our audience enjoyed the showcase of all the student’s talents as they packed their bags and set on a trip around the world. Our performances were based around songs and themes of various places around the world.

Concert days are always huge and exciting, and both the junior and senior concerts were a big success with large smiles and lots of fun. Showtime staff enjoy the satisfaction of seeing the students perform their concert pieces and the scale of improvement shown by all.

Well done to all our students and staff for an amazing adventurous concert. As well as a huge congratulations to all students who received awards:

Junior Awards: Paige N, Keira D, Lillee F, Braxton C, Hteemoowah H, Charlene I, Scarlett-Rose G, Harmonie B, Elizabeth F, Aaliyah B, Amarli D, Charlotte T, Ashley D & Layla B (performance award).

Senior Awards: Ashlee S, Makayla S, Savannah F, Katelyn U, Ciara-Mae N, Abbey D, Brayden P, Phillipa M, Sinead M, Alexis H, Keira B, Liliana A, Jocelyn D, Caitlin J, Quintess W & Leah Booth (performance award).

Professional stage photo's can be viewed and ordered via the below links:
Senior professional photos
*Send us an email if you've lost the password.

Forgot to order a DVD? Send us an email to order!

Photos of award winners

Express Dance Challenge 2019

In May over just one weekend a small group of students participated in the new competition Express Dance Challenge. Over Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of May we had 9 entries into this competition and all of our students received a placing which is amazing! Due to this competition being held early in the year in resulted in not a lot of time to prepare and rehearse, because of this we say a huge congratulations to those students who worked hard and participated.

1st place – 10/U Tap Solo (Izzabella)
3rd place – 8/U Hip Hop Solo (Isaiah)
3rd place - 10/U Hip Hop Solo (Ciara-Mae)
3rd place – 10/U & 12/U Hip Hop Trio (Ashleigh, Ivy, Ciara-Mae)
HM –  12/U & 14/U Acro Solo (Savannah)
SM – 5/U Jazz Solo (Harmonie)
SM – 8/U Lyrical Solo (Isabelle)
SM – 10/U Jazz Solo (Ivy)
SM – 16/U Jazz Solo (Tylah)

Excelsior School Fair 2019

On Sunday 7th April some of our students had the opportunity to perform in public at the Excelsior school fete. With a mix of routines entered in the performance the students practised at the studio to adjust and make changes to accommodate the performance space and alter anything else in preparation for the performance.

Congratulations to all students who participated and a huge thanks for representing Sometime HMS so well.

End Of Year Concerts – 5,6,7,8!

Who can believe another year has passed and with it another set of end of year concerts!?

Both of our concerts were held at John Curtin College on Saturday 15th December with a matinee for the juniors, and evening show for the seniors. The day went off without a hitch, running on schedule and no hiccups throughout the day.

We couldn't be prouder of the outcome - We have received so many wonderful reports from family, friends and students who all said these were our best concerts yet and the students had such a great time being involved. The projection videos between dances were a favourite for many members of the audience, a huge thank you goes out to Chelsea and Braydee for being the stars of the projections.

Congratulations to our students who received awards at our concert:
Junior Spirit Award - Havana
Junior Encouragement Award - Isabelle
Junior Most Improved - Brae
Junior Shining Star - Isaiah
Junior Performance Award - Presley
Senior Spirit Award - Emily
Senior Encouragement Award - Rannia
Senior Most Improved - Chloe
Senior Shining Star - Tylah
Senior Performance Award - Sky
Student Of The Year - Tylah

Professional stage photo's can be viewed and ordered via the below links:
Junior professional photos
Senior professional photos
*Send us an email if you've lost the password.

Forgot to order a DVD? Send us an email to order!

Have you seen our blooper video from the concert projections?


Armadale Christmas Parade 2018

Showtime HMS Performing Arts were once again a part of the Armadale Christmas Parade on Friday 7th December down Jull Street.

Our students were dressed in Red, Green & Silver Christmas themed costumes as they danced their way down the mall. We saw so many of our families and friends in the audience cheering us on which was great to see!

A photo of our students even made it in to the Examiner Newspaper.

Visit our Facebook album for more photo's from the parade.