We Raised $1,282 for Sick Kids!

Dance for Sick Kids (DFSK) is a 7-day dance challenge that raises vital funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities. Over 60,000 families with a seriously ill or injured child rely on Ronald McDonald House Charities in Australia each year – and they need our help! We think it’s important to support people when they’re in need so once again we set up a team and got fundraising!

Over the month of May leading up to the official DFSK week we held gold coin donation fundraisers including; Whacky Hair Week, Crazy Sock Week, PJ Week and Fancy Dress Week. Our students came to class dressed up and were so creative with their costumes, hair and sock designs. Many of our students also joined our fundraising team and did their own fundraising to contribute to the cause. Overall the Showtime HMS team raised $1,282 and Australia wide the event raised a massive $802,807 which equals 5017 nights that a family will be able to stay with their child at a Ronald McDonald House.

It was so humbling to see all of our families get involved and we can't wait to be a part of it all again next year.